If your smile doesn’t help anyone else; it will help you!
My logos is a seed growing up and down with the philosophy
I have tried to follow for a long time. “Make today Great.”
It has been said: “If its going to be, then its up to me.” This
is greatly true with the disclaimer that we need God’s help.
Yet, I find that even the Creator will not help me when I will
not help myself. God inspires personal responsibility.
Do your part today. Put a smile on your face. Grin from
ear to ear. Can’t think of what you have to grin about. Visit
a retirement home or grave yard. Get your grin on. Now!
You will find that in so doing; the day just became brighter.
As you can tell, I like word games and as such, there will continue to be G.U.T.S. word games for a long time. Who knows, I may even introduce some other acrostic word games for your amusement. Heck! Since this is an edit of a previous G.U.T.S. wordgame, ; why not create a new one now??
Why not do one on N.O.W., Now!???? Heck? Why not do a couple on N.O.W., now?? Here goes! :)
N Need
O Other
W Ways
……………………………………………………………….. Sometimes the only thing holding us up is ourselves. We just need a nudge, a new start if you will to get past difficulties holding us back. Sometimes, solutions to our problems can be as simple as trying something different. In order to change now, we just need to try something different.
O Outlook
W Wins
Oftentimes we bang our head against the wall asking ourselves; “What do I need to do differently?” And sometimes as mentioned above, we do need a different course of action. But sometimes, it is not different action that we need but a different outlook. If we do not improve the way we look at things, we keep facing the same faces in different places. We keep finding the same problems no matter what we do, because the problem is in us. When we learn to look at things with an improved attitude, nothing changes and yet everything changes when we do. Maybe all we need is a New Outlook to Win.
For your sake and the sake of everyone around you; Grin Until The Sunshines! And why not start now? ;)
Your down to earth Inspirational consultant. The one, The only “Slam” Carter. ;)